CE Marking to BS EN 1090-1 became a UK legal requirement for structural steel products on 1st July 2014. This represents a major development for engineers, contractors and steelwork specialists and it demands careful attention to the new obligations imposed.
Ayton Smiddy Ltd are fully compliant with this legislation and all of our products delivered to site will be CE Marked.
- FPC – Factory Production Control
- Welding Cert
CE Marking (originally Conformité Européenne) demonstrates compliance with the appropriate manufacturing standard for a product. As a symbol, it will be familiar as it has been a requirement for many years on products sold in the European Union such as toys and electrical goods.
Under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR), new legal obligations have been placed on manufacturers, distributors and importers of construction products used within the EU to CE Mark their products where they are covered by either a harmonised standard or European Technical Assessment (ETA). This applies not only to constituent products (such as steel beams, bolts etc) but also to fabricated elements and systems made from CE Marked products. In the UK, penalties for non-compliance include suspension notices, prohibition notices, notices to warn, and application for forfeiture. For certain offences the penalties may include a fine, imprisonment or both.
The CPR required the CE Marking of all construction products from 1 July 2013 and the CE Marking of fabricated structural steelwork from 1 July 2014.
The CPR describes the legal obligations it places on the construction supply chain in terms of 'manufacturers', 'distributors' and 'importers'. However, the construction supply chain in the UK would normally be described in terms of clients, designers, specifiers, contractors and specialist subcontractors. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance to the UK supply chain on the implications of the CPR on steel construction
The requirements of the CPR and CE Marking apply to construction products used on a project irrespective of whether that project was designed to National Standards (e.g. BS 5950) or to the Eurocodes.